All Ride On Mowers


Welcome to The RedShed!

The RedShed has worked hard to offer you Melbourne’s BIGGEST range of ride on mowers at the BEST prices. We have designated Ride-On SuperStores with specially trained staff to assist you with understanding the different features these machines offer, and to help you make the BEST DECISION for your individual circumstances.

We are so determined that we can help you find the right ride on mower for your needs, that we are the only people in the industry to offer you a 'SATISFACTION GUARANTEE'. This means you can use the mower for up to 30 days (to make sure it is what you need). If you decide it is not the right machine for you, simply return this mower within 30 days, pay the difference in price and take home a different model. Your satisfaction is our priority!

Range of uses

We are able to supply ride on mowers that meet a variety of needs. Whether you are looking for perfectly manicured lawns, wanting to keep your unruly property in check, or are providing a lawn mowing service for clients, we are sure to have the mower you have been searching for. Have a look around and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.